The EMAC shall arrange and provide
- Rendering of qualified EMA at the accident location;
- The necessary volume of emergency diagnostic tests according to the capacity and the available equipment;
- Clinical and instrumental monitoring of the patient until admission in the hospital;
- Conduct of the required healing and specific life support activities until patient’s admission in a hospital;
- Rendering of EMA in cases of Acts of God, disasters, and collisions, in coordination with the police, fire safety, and civil protection bodies;
- Emergency advice between health establishments by providing emergency sanitary transportation of the national advisors;
- Coordination and transportation of donors and organs to the health establishments performing organ transplants;
- Reception, registration, processing, and submission of the incoming mayday calls and the information supplied by the teams by means of an automatic ICT system; the data are stored on magnetic carriers for a period of 3 years;
- Provision of special transportation to:
- Patients requiring EMA;
- Blood, blood products, donors, organs, medicines, consumable, hardware between the health establishments for purposes of rendering EMA;
- ll patients with transportation indicated by life support team from/between the health establishments
- National and regional advisers;
- Shipment of cadavers where subject to forensic examination, from location of accident to the relevant health establishment in the cases of accidental deaths in public.
- Taking of blood samples from car drivers for alcohol content and other intoxicating substances;
- Expert examinations for temporary incapacity for work.
- Training of interns in the Emergency Medicine specialty.